
Monday, July 8, 2019

30 Path To Redemption: A Wife's Transformation

This is a story about a young Eastern European teen that is abducted into an international female trafficking ring and sold as a mail order bride to a wealthy man in the United States. The man isn't looking for a wife so much as he is looking for a test subject. He has ideas on mental conditioning that he is determined to perform on a female that meets certain physical, religious  and mental criteria. His young mail order bride fits these precisely.

Over a period of time using he utilizes both Classical and Operant conditioning to remodel the woman's sexual responses. He exploits her pre-existing psychological weaknesses due to damaged familial ties and plays to her natural attraction to those things which her religion and culture tell her are forbidden. Using her desire to please her husband, he has her undergo certain body modifications and enhancements. These changes both excite her and cause her shame. He exploits that by displaying her in public undermining her confidence, pride and self-worth. This only causes her to seek him out for stability as they she forms a severe co-dependency with him. This makes it easier for her to fall victim to his more severe conditioning.

Using sexual pain and pleasure he molds the young woman's psyche. Acceptance, rejection, coercion and seduction, and audio visual conditioning  are all used as tools against the unsuspecting subject. He even draws on her devout religious beliefs to leverage her behavior. To this end he utilizes a less than devout priest from the local diocese to aid him in utilizing  the religious obedience, fear and guilt that had been instilled in his wife from a young age.

Through reinforcement by reward of sought after behavior and punishment for undesired responses, he soon has the young wife behaving like Pavlov's famous dogs, but in a way that requires no overt outside stimulus whatsoever. The wife's behavior is automatic upon being exposed to certain visual stimuli. As she sinks deeper into the morass created for her by her husband, a dark masochistic thing emerges from inside her.

This is the tale of an unscrupulous man who borders on the sociopathic. He sacrifices all those around him to satisfy his own needs. He finds his equals when by happenstance his "special skill set" is brought to the attention of senior members of the local Catholic diocese, who seek him out and make him an offer for employment for a special assignment.